Mobile Crane

Mobile Crane @ Kren beroda ni ada banyak saiz.. Normally yang biasa digunakan di construction site atau untuk plant maintenance activity ialah crane yang berkapasiti 25T dan 45T. Crane ni ada banyak model. Diantara model model yang famous ialah model crane KATO, TADANO which made in Japan. Model XCMG ,SANY keluaran China dan DEMAG which is from Germany. Ada lagi brand lain macam LIEBHERR dan MAMMOTH but those cater mostly for heavy lifting which crane capacity  range dari 200T ke atas.

Nak kerje dengan kren,  kena la ambil tau sedikit sebanyak berkenaan kren ni. Nak mudah faham, refer kat gambar ni( pic taken from


Tinnerson said…
I need to get some that crane course but my age now is 47yrs how much pay for that course
Tinnerson said…
I need help really I want that crane operator job
Tinnerson said…
Waiting for your support and good response to me thankful

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