
Showing posts from June, 2018

How to choose the suitable crane capacity

You may use this chart as a basic guideline to determine which crane to be used. But, it is advisable  to do site visit to see if there is any obstacle or anything that can disturb the lifting activity. For example, high structure within the lifting radius. How to use the chart? Refer at the bottom right of the diagram. From the example given in the table, we can know that in order to lift 2T load at 12m working radius, we need to use at least crane with capacity of 20T. To reconfirm, do a site visit to see either we can use that 20T crane or need to upgrade to higher capacity or need to install additional luffing/jib  The chart is available on the net. For example, you may take it from

Basic Info untuk Pilih kren

To all user yang diberi tugas untuk decide kren berapa Ton yang patut digunakan, need to consider safety of the operation first, not just the cost. Logically, smaller crane capacity definetley cheaper than big crane capacity. From my experience, some of the user assume that kalau barang tu kecil, pakai kren kecil dah memadai. Ada juga yang nak angkat barang 25T, order pun kren 25T. Cant be like that coz need to consider lifting radius as well.   Bukan ape, kita nak mengelakkan sebarang incident yang tidak diingini berlaku. Diantara kemalangan-kemalangan yang melibatkan kren seperti kren tumbang, Boom Kren patah, hoist crane putus( wayar kren putus jarang berlaku. Selalunya kren tumbang terus ^_^)... Puncanya kerana mengangkat beban melebihi kapasiti kren atau melebihi working radius yang dibenarkan. Actually, setiap kren ada Load Indicator yang akan memberi amaran awal kepada operator kren jika barang yang diangkat menghampiri kadar maksimum kapasiti crane. Tapi kalau Load