Database Management System [DMS]

Today, topic lari sikit.. Jauh menyimpang ke IT. Just nak share what i've learned today about DMS.................

From my understanding, DMS is a combination of  Database + Management System.

Database is a collection of data.
Management System pula ialah program untuk simpan, retrieve,  edit(add ,delete and modify) dan cara untuk menyusun data data yang ada dalam database tadi.

Some of the advantage guna DMS ni its allow the data to be stored  in one central location, create backup for the data, allow data to be shared by many user,  and control siapa yang boleh  access and edit  the data. So, siapa siapa yang berkenaan boleh  acess pada data tersebut tapi hanya certain people sahaja yng boleh edit atau modify the data. 

Figure kat bawah ni illustrate about the DMS.

Sebagai contoh, platform ticketing seperti menggunakan DMS.

Through DMS, one system dimana data atau info berkenaan ticket and customer  will be establish and stored  in one database. 
Customer may access the database through the company website to choose seat, see is there any available seat for sale, and purchase the ticket.
PIC from booking office sale, online sales can access the database to see which seat had been sold, how many ticket still available for sales. The management of the bus company juga  may access to the system on the spot can know about their estimated revenue for that particular period and see  either their next  bus trip is worth or not.

 The DMS will avoid the same seat  dijual kepada  2 customer yang berlainan. All users can access the data but DMS will determine how much info each personnel can access the data.

That all.... simple je...


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